Hello friends. Henry is going to lead us tonight. Please take 2 minutes to read whole prayer. We pray for Bella who passed the other night, she was a beautiful dog that was a real member of the family. We will always remember her. We go on to pray for a 21 year old Pom named Bear, who currently is not in any pain, but will have to be put down very soon. Bear had an incredible life and the memories of him will carry on forever. He out lived 3 other dogs in the family, and soon will be reunited with them. We send more prayers and thoughts to Morris Calver’s family, our deepest condolences to this family. We also pray for our friend Macy the dog to find the perfect home. We continue to pray for dogs of Dog Fighting, Bulls of Bullfighting, we never stop praying for harp seals. We close with prayers for all animals whose spirits are being tested and we remind them, they are not alone. Our voices are one voice and it is strong. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. God is watching over his angels. Amen. Love Sammy & Henry. Friends i have a two year old German Sheppard female up for adoption in the Tri – State Area. Very sweet and very healthy. For inquires please email me at smith7024@yahoo.com. Thank you, Scott Smith