Leading prayers for Christy Lowery’s family…October 19, 2012

577064_517422034954664_1771713237_nHello everybody. Many prayers going out tonight. As always we ask for two minutes to go through the entire prayer. The hardship is felt by those prayed for, two minutes for them would go along way. Well its Friday night, for the late night owls on this page, please don’t text and drive, and don’t drink and drive. We start out with prayers for Christy Lowery’s family; she passed away October 12th and left 5 children behind. We hope and pray for all of those children, may they see better days real soon. We go on to pray for dolphins that go through unspeakable things in Japan, God is watching this real closely. One of the smartet and most beautiful creatures on earth, they deserve better. We pray for a 12 year old lab, named Kahu who had to be put to sleep the other day because of cancer. Kahu will always be remembered, what an angel she was. We pray for a Yorkie named Tinkerbell who might have to be put down early for a rare disorder. We are hoping and praying for other options. Now we pray for the Heinz Family out of Illinois, they lost 4 of their 7 rescue kitties in a horrific fire. Horrible tragedy. We also pray for our dog friend pepper, who is being tested for either hepatitis or liver cancer, we are hoping it’s the former. Either way, please show mercy on this angel. We close by praying for all animals whose spirits are being tested, we remind them, we are sitting right besides them. You are not alone, your voices have carried and joined ours. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unheard. God is watching, there will be restitution for his innocent angels. Amen, Love, Sammy & Family
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