Prayers for hurricane victims October 31, 2012

150507_523695990993935_2068396822_nHi everybody, hope everyone is OK tonight. Been a tremendous amount of Hurricane damage. Bringing the Harp Seal out again to lead us in our prayers. We pray for all these people that have been displaced and whose lives have literally been turned upside down from this storm. We ask for a quick return to safety and normalcy. We continue to pray for the voiceless animals out there who now find themselves now even in a harder position..
Despite the hurricane, we do not forget the victims (animals) of Dog Fighting, Bullfighting, rooster fighting, Bear Baiting and of course our Godly friends, the Harp Seal. We pray for those angels put in harms way senselessly by people. We pray for all animals who are mistreated and neglected, and we remind them, they are not alone. We sit right beside them and we walk through it with them. On a personal note, I would like to extend prayers to this person who wigged out over the Bob Marley post earlier. Sammy and family ask that whatever is troubling this person, to give her an immediate brake. No lives will go in vain, and no pain will go unnoticed, God is watching. Amen, Love Sammy & Family.
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