Goodnight everyone, please take the time to read the whole prayer, it deserves our attention. Tonight we start out praying intensely for the 100 dogs dumped on the roadside in TX. Unfathomable that people would do this. We would like to wish Addi a Happy 1st Birthday. We pray for her grandmother Evelyn, who passed away from Breast Cancer before Addi was born. Sammy will be wearing Pink next Friday in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please join us and do the same. Prayers go out to Sophie of the Garrens family, pup was only 4 years old when passed. We pray for Boomer, a 16 year old pooch who was lost last yr. Prayers go out to Crystal the Kitty to get well. We also pray for Gus and hope he heals soon. To all animals out there in compromising positions, we sit besides you, together our voices are loud and strong. No lives will go in Vain, God is watching. Amen. Love, Sammy