Prayers for Stacey Mae October 8, 2012

69171_512446932118841_1711254436_nGood evening friends, we ask once again that you read the whole prayer. All these situations, circumstances and issues require our group attention. Prayers go out to Stacey Mae, a heroic dog who tragically passed away the other day from choking on a dog biscuit. Stacey Mae will be missed; this dog was very special. We pray for Deuce, a male dog who died at 11 from heart problems, Deuce will be remembered forever. We salute the crew from American Welfare Association out of Voorhees, NJ who finds homes for so many dogs out of shelters. Just this past weekend they placed approximately 300 dogs, God bless each and every family that took these angels in. Give them the lives they deserve. We pray for our great friend Peanut Pumkin Pie, she is one the sweetest dogs around. Peanut underwent some surgeries recently, we ask for a speedy recovery. For our friend, Aricca Neer-Waybright, we wish her husband a successful knee replacement surgery and a speedy recovery. Once again, we finish by praying for all animals whose spirits feel broken, we remind them they are not alone, we stand with them. Their voices are heard and we will carry them to the sky. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God is watching over his angels. Amen. Love, Sammy
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