Good evening friends.
Hope everyone had a nice day today. Monday’s can be so funny, we still have one foot in the weekend and the other cautiously starts a new week. Usually when i got home from work on a Monday’s I felt like i was in the twilight zone, an acceptable delirium if you will.
Anyway, its great to be here with everyone tonight. Sammy & family’s favorite part of the day is mornings with ELS, and evenings with ELS. Its been nice getting to know some of you on my personal Facebook wall. I know we all know each other here, but a more personal touch is nice sometimes. I have had so many screen names of my dogs, myself, Dr. Harp Seal, ELS, The Good News Channel and etc, its nice to be Scott Evan Smith again on my personal Facebook. If anyone on ELS wants to come friend me, everyone’s welcome. So it’s not Patrick Smith any longer, its just plain; “Scott Evan Smith” That’s how you can find me.
So friends, we have some surprises coming in next month or so which i think are very exciting. After years of writing and producing ideas, we are putting together some sweet and crafty stuff. I will give you a little hint, ELS could also stand for; ” Every Lasting Sammy” But that is all i can say at the moment.
Wednesday morning we have a great feature coming up on The Good News Channel, it’s either going to be on Barry Wilmore, the Astronaut who got one of the greatest Selfies ever this past February, or my great friend Kat who is currently traveling through India and teaching Yoga. Now is that diversity or what ?
Let’s close with this, 95 percent of success is just showing up. Some very smart people once told me; “Suit up and show up for you life”
Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 79, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.