Dolphins leading us out tonight September 3, 2013

1002535_678441725519360_1847371509_nHi friends. Let’s have the dolphins lead us out tonight to show respect for what they are doing in Japan to them right now. Please read through to Jessica’s writing tonight. The picture is from Dolphin Discovery.

Let me start by thanking everyone for those sweet comments for Patrick’s post this morning. This poor little guy was in a cage for probably 10 of his first 11 months in this life. We are very happy making him happy. It makes you realize how random things are for our dogs and pets. It’s such a game of chance about where they will end up. Patrick will have a great life. I wish the same for all dogs taken into new homes. And we always pray for the dogs still looking for homes.

Jessica’s reading stars here;

Goodnight everybody. We hope that you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend, and that you made beautiful and lasting memories with the ones that you love most. We hope that your first day back to work and school was a smooth transition.

“Life is inches and minutes,” as my father used to say. It is so important to live each day to the fullest, as tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Love with all of your heart and soul. Do not be afraid to express what is truly in your heart when it comes to family and friends. The hardest words to say are sometimes the most healing and the most necessary. “I love you” and “I’m sorry” are for so many people, such difficult words to speak.

Sometimes we feel imprisoned in our own minds. Sometimes we are afraid, that when we do say those words, we may be met with some form of rejection. Do not allow yourself to be a prisoner of those fears. Expose your heart without fear. You have absolutely nothing to lose. In many cases, saying those words will help you to have peace of mind. You will have no regrets because you will know that you gave it your all. That is an invaluable gift that you can give to yourself.

Prayers are going out tonight for all of the restless souls in this world. Dear God, bring them peace. Help them to carry the heavy burdens that rest upon their shoulders. Dear God fill our world with your peace. Let all living beings know freedom and let all living beings know love.

Small adjustments to our lifestyles, our diet, wardrobe and the products that we use, will mean the difference between life and death for millions of innocent animals. It will mean the difference between freedom and lifelong imprisonment, for countless numbers of these defenseless angels. Let us do our very best, to save as many lives as possible.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

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