A lot of people feel lonely. Nobody is alone with that. Your story is not new, meaning, somebody has felt the same way and has gotten to a better place. If you are unhappy, it is not that you deserve that or are sentenced to that. You simply need to make some tweaks to become happy. The first step is cutting out what makes you unhappy. These stories we hear of people taking their own lives are obviously very sad. But what is even sadder is that none of us had a chance to get to them and say, ” it does not have to stay that way. ”
Don’t remain quiet if you have thoughts swimming in your head. Talk to someone and make a change. You owe it to yourself and the people around you to get through it. One day you will help somebody else get through it. Let that be a reason enough to hang in there and hang tough.
On a side note, having dogs / pets can fill a large void in people’s lives. It is no accident that they have dogs walking around in the emergency room making people feel better.
Don’t give up. It took me 40 years to feel a little better but I promise you have a choice right now. You are not sentenced to a miserable life and you deserve good things. It will take you no time at all to feel better if you take a small step right now.
Tomorrow night we will share a nice picture from another page with a message of ” it does not make you more of a man to hunt for fun, but it will make you less of a human being.” We have written on this many times, I won’t bring my usual rant with it but we are going back to this topic.
Amen. Love Sammy & Family.