Grabbin’ life by the bone is Puppy’s motto! Rescued from a boardwalk claw machine in Wildwood, NJ, Puppy now lives the good life in NYC. Friends you can find Puppy on Twitter and Instragram @puppysblog.
Puppy is a Boston Terrier stuffie. Yes, a stuffie, who has had some pretty pawsum experiences; Bryan Cranston once pulled his ears, he was honored with AKC puppy award, he was a Calvin Klein model, he rode a pup-sized jet-ski. Really! He’s a cheeky guy and is very photogenic. Puppy loves traveling, good noms, making crafts and having adventures. He shares pawsitivity, love and humor with his all animal and human QTs. If you need to BOL, he’s got you covered. (That’s Barking Out Loud..) Keep scrolling down, much more pictures and blurbs. A must See.
They say pictures speak a thousand words, well Puppy’s pictures speak a thousand lives in one. In my next life I want to be Puppy the stuffie. Yes I do. Keep Scrolling down. The blurb for each picture is below that picture.
Some have said Puppy is like Batman; a silent guardian, a watchful protector.
Puppy is the ultimate thrill seeker. Looooook out below.
Puppy can be very mischievous and rambunctious.
Puppy is a cuisine expert. Its been rumored that Puppy Single handily can take down Zagats restaurant guide.
Puppy can very very romantic. Je te aime. That’s I love you in French.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking ? #dogsluvboobs.
Puppy loves to fly. He is a renowned traveler.
Puppy Chillaxing in Central Park
Puppy can get downright wild.
Puppy can take it too far sometimes. Bail money anyone ?
And to find perspective again, Puppy can turn to religion or spirituality.
Now that Puppy is centered again, its time to get into shape. Puppy loves to work out to Olivia Newton-John’s song from 1981; ♫♫♫ Let’s get physical, physical, I want to get Physical, let me hear your body talk ♫♫♫
Then its back to the drawing board. Puppy thinks best while have his morning Joe.
That is a snapshot of the life of Puppy the QT. BT. blogger. Puppy has countless pictures doing so many exciting things on Instagram and Twitter with the same name; @puppysblog