Normally i would write the Thoughts & Prayers for our friends in need, but I couldn’t say it better than Vanessa Lewis herself.
” Delilah was loving, funny, eccentric and has brought love and joy into my life when the world offered me very little on many occasions. To have been her parent has been such a blessing. My heart is torn in two but I know her spirit will stay with me always until we meet again. Thank you for all your support and the support of the community on your wonderful page. Delilah joins her ‘big sister’ Jessie at Rainbow Bridge. I have loved and cared for Jessie since 1998 until her passing in 2011 and Delilah since 1999. It is going to be so strange. Down the track we will have another fur baby and give them the life our other babies have had.
To release an animal from pain is the ultimate act of love, but it is the hardest thing to do. Vale our precious Delilah – 1.5.99 – 4.12.14.”
Below is the more recent years with Delilah. Below that is Vanessa Lewis and Delilah at one years old. More on the days up to Delilah’s passing and today below both pictures;
More on Delilah leading up to her passing and now;
The hard bit is to remember her in all her health and unending enthusiasm when the image in my mind is of her failing and then suffering in her very final days as we fought to save her. Our vet said to us that dogs live in the moment and Delilah wasn’t hoping to feel better tomorrow as we might (even though that was now impossible)- if she had been able to speak she would have simply said she felt bad and she didn’t want to. And the power to change that was in our hands and we did not hesitate. The vet gave her a sedative before helping her to heaven and she went from panting and looking distressed to snoring gently in my arms and we talked to her and told her how much we adored her and that she was going to a beautiful place.
I have dreaded her loss for such a long time but when the moment comes you are given the strength to do what is best. This morning our home is so empty without her little presence and the clitter clatter of her little paws. My heart broke when Jessie passed in 2011 and it is tearing apart now, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I have had two angels in my life and they will never be replaced. They walk beside me still even if I cannot see them. In hindsight Delilah was given to us for 14 months longer than she should have had when she fell ill at the end of our trip to the States. One day I will return to America again and meet you and your furry angels. It is nice to know someone who loves animals as we do even if you live on the other side of the world.
As I said friends, I could not have said it better myself. That was pure heart right there. Sometimes there is only one loving move left to make. Delilah suffers no more. I was emailing with Vanessa Lewis earlier and saying Sammy & Family only wishes animals around the world
could have the lives that Jessie and Delilah had. What a wonderful world that would be.
Delilah and Jessie are together again, this time its forever. Sammy & Family thanks Vanessa Lewis for making the world a better place two animals at a time.
Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family