If you prefer to read the Post, here you go;
Good evening friends. Dr. Harp Seal. Thank you for stopping by.
So i want just want to give everyone a heads up that tomorrow night Sammy & Family is going to talk about The Gadhimai Festival in Nepal. This festival is the worlds biggest ritual slaughter of animals. I have read about it before, but just want to shine some more light on it. I won’t get into graphic details or anything like that.
The following Wednesday We are going to talk more on the Dog and Cat Meat Trade throughout Asia. Alot of our friends have said its very upsetting hearing about these events, so what im going to do is only cover the hard stuff on Wednesday nights. I will always do it as tasteufllyu as i can desite the horrors these animals are faciing all over the world. As for the other nights, i will keep it more focused on Thoughts & Prayers as we usually do.
Let me end with this; we are wating to hear more details on Delilah’s health staus out of Asutraili. I will keep everybody informed on that.
No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.