It was shocking news yesterday that there will be no indictments for Eric Garner’s death.
I mean with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown there was a least a scruffle, something both sides could argue. I’m not suggesting Sammy & Family agrees with those decisions either, because we actually don’t.
But with Eric Garner, this guy literally did nothing and got choked to death by a police officer. It is unfathomable there will be no legal ramifications for those police officers. Just curious, didn’t this country have a Civil Rights Movement from 1954 – 1968 ?
Last night on the West Side Highway all the way down to Columbus Circle and other parts of New York City, protesters lined up while other marched chanting ” Hands Up, Don’t shoot” portraying the actual Eric Garner incident.
If Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, after hearing about Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin and Casey Anthony being innocent (several years back) he would drop dead of a heart attack.
A little dislodge we put together to illustrate this particular case; ” Don’t move or I’ll choke you to death, oh your white, you should have just said that in the first place, carry on”
All we can say is, Rest In Peace Eric Garner. Amen Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.
Rip #EricGaner Rip #MartinLutherKingJrAgain